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July 08, 2009


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I'll be eternally grateful if you can tell me/us how to apply a Project template (not a design template) to existing Projects. :-)

I ask this, in specific, because AFAIK one cannot add a graphical header to a Project template.

Kevin Siegel

You cannot apply a Project template to projects "after the fact." However, you can create a new project that uses the project template. Then import the assets from the old project via File > Import > Slides/Objects from the old project into the new one.



Thank you for your very quick reply Kevin. You may delete my duplicate questions. Sorry, I was a little too enthusiastic about this.

I actually tried the Import idea but I thought it did not work, because the header graphic (from the Project template) did not get copied to each slide. Inspired by your instructions, I found that I could block all the slides in the filmstrip and duplicate paste the header on to each slide all at once.

Is this the 'best' way to do this or is there another way?

Other than the header, the import feature does work!

Thanks again :)

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