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May 19, 2010


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Hi there,

I thought I'd share the how-to for embedding a video in Office 2010. It's got a little video demo, so you can check it out since you haven't had a chance to test out Office 2010 just yet.

Office 2010 Beta is still available for download for free, if you decide you'd like to give it a try. Check it out here: http://www.microsoft.com/office/2010/en/default.aspx

Thanks for showing this great tip for PowerPoint 2007 users.
Microsoft Office Outreach

Holly Downing

This did not work for me. There must be a step missing or something. I went through every step required (twice), but the video did not replace the big square with an X in it. It just remains a square with a box in it after changing the properties within Shockwave Flash Object.

Holly Downing

Never mind...missed the bit about the slideshow. Thanks.

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