by AJ George
I am often asked how to get YouTube videos into a PowerPoint presentation, and, unless you're using the latest version (PowerPoint 2010), it's an understandable question... it's not a simple process. Over the next few weeks I will show you how to insert YouTube videos into PowerPoint 2007 (both with and without an internet connection) and PowerPoint 2008 for the Mac.
Insert YouTube Videos into PowerPoint 2007 with Internet
- In PowerPoint click the Office button.
- Click the PowerPoint Options button.
- From the Popular category, select Show Developer Tab in the Ribbon.
- Click the OK button.
- Go to YouTube and locate the video you would like to insert into your PowerPoint presentation.
- Copy the URL for the video.
- Back in PowerPoint, select the Developer tab and from the Controls group, select More Controls.
The More Controls dialog box appears. - Scroll down and select Shockwave Flash Object.
- Click the OK button.
Your cursor should now look like a cross, an indication that you can draw a box. - Draw a box on your slide and size it as desired to contain your video. Do not worry about making it perfect, you will be able to size it later just like any other shape.
- With the box you have just drawn selected, click Properties on the Developer tab.
The Properties window appears. - Locate Loop and select False from the drop-down menu.
This step will keep your video from looping. - Locate Playing and select False from the drop-down menu.
This step will keep your video from playing automatically. - Locate Movie and paste in the URL for the video you would like to use.
- Find in the URL where it says watch? and delete it.
- Change any instance of = in the URL to a /.
Example: would be changed to v/0Bmhjf0rKe8. - Close the Properties window.
- When you play your slideshow, your video will appear just like it would on YouTube, ready to be played.
Related Posts:
PowerPoint 2007: Insert YouTube Videos, Part 2 (without internet)
PowerPoint 2008 for the Mac: Inserting YouTube Videos
PowerPoint 2010: Inserting YouTube Videos
About the author: AJ George is IconLogic's lead Technical Writer and author of the book "PowerPoint 2007: The Essentials" and "PowerPoint 2008 for the Macintosh: The Essentials." You can follow AJ on Twitter at
Hi there,
I thought I'd share the how-to for embedding a video in Office 2010. It's got a little video demo, so you can check it out since you haven't had a chance to test out Office 2010 just yet.
Office 2010 Beta is still available for download for free, if you decide you'd like to give it a try. Check it out here:
Thanks for showing this great tip for PowerPoint 2007 users.
Microsoft Office Outreach
Posted by: Kim_Office_Team | May 20, 2010 at 08:02 PM
This did not work for me. There must be a step missing or something. I went through every step required (twice), but the video did not replace the big square with an X in it. It just remains a square with a box in it after changing the properties within Shockwave Flash Object.
Posted by: Holly Downing | November 12, 2012 at 05:00 PM
Never mind...missed the bit about the slideshow. Thanks.
Posted by: Holly Downing | November 12, 2012 at 05:02 PM