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September 06, 2012


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I faced the same issue, but the licensed version wont let me change the expiry date. I can access the calendar but the date is frozen to today's date.

I read in another forum that one should simply disable the Project expiry date checkbox.

Appreciate help/advice. Very frustrated with this issue.

Kevin Siegel

I was nervous about simply disabling the option. I set the projects for my books to expire sometime in 2016. By then, the Cp6 data files will be beyond stale. If you are unable to change the date at all, you might want to contact Adobe. I was able to change the date without issue with a licensed version of Cp6.


I've just spent weeks on a series of quizzes created in Captivate CS6

I have CS5.5 licensed and now i've been told (by the company i work for) that they won't licence/transfer to CS6!

Could someone here perhaps open my projects and save/publish with a long expiration date?


Meantime... if i was to publish the project every 30 days... would this 'buy me some time' to redo all in CS5.5?

BTW i've found your site really helpful... a lot more helpful than the official Adobe support forums... :) Thankyou

Kevin Siegel

If you're using a licensed version of the software, and give projects to users running the trial version of Cp6, those projects can be opened and previewed via the trial version for a full 30 days from the day that user opens the project. After 30 days, the projects can still be edited but not previewed. Nor is a good idea to publish since those published lessons will have a time-bomb that cannot be disabled. If you are using the trial version and give the project to a developer using the licensed software, they can disable the project expiry option. In summary, trial to license, ok. License to trial, good for 30 days. Trial to trial=no good. You mention Cp5.5. If you are working with the licensed version, and give those projects to Cp6 trial users, they are good for 30 days.

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