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September 29, 2012


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Patrick Shaw

Hi there. I found this article really useful, and the best thing is that I have the tools you detail already. Always wanted to create infographics, but didn't know where to start. Thanks for an informative guide.

Jeroen Breugelmans

Great article!

we have been working hard to do exactly this: creating awesome Infographics/visualisations in Powerpoint.

Our site has some great examples that show how far you can take powerpoint as the primairy tool to develope infographics. All our presentations use only standard Powerpoint shapes and can be edited completely. There are a bunch of free products and articles that could get you underway pretty fast.
With most of our articles, there is a free download available so no need to do all the work yourself. Take a look here:

Jeroen Breugelmans


Muy útil! Gracias!

Pg Sharpe

Great information. Thanks!

Ellen Finkelstein

There's an easier way to do this. First of all, in the upcoming 2013, you can choose what happens when you resize the slide and PowerPoint doesn't distort the shapes. But for older versions, you can simply create the infographic using the default slide size and run off the slide as necessary. Then, you'll know the slide size you need. Then start a new presentation, adjust the slide size as you explained, and copy and paste all the objects from the first presentation to the second one. They'll come in with the right proportions and fit on the new slide size.

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