Adobe Presenter has a pretty nifty way to help you display your voiceover script while recording audio. Instead of having to manage a printout while simultaneously recording your voice and clicking through slides, you can view your script in a moveable pop-up box that functions much like a heads-up GPS display. The script is overlaid on the slide in slideshow view, so you can see the slide, click through any builds, and advance the slide, all while never losing sight of the script you are reading.
All is well and good until you find an error in your script or want to make a change in the voiceover. You could just record something different from what your script says. But that would create a mismatch between the printed script--which Presenter picks up automatically from the PowerPoint Notes pane--and your audio voiceover. Since those PowerPoint notes may also form part of a handout or other materials, it is a best practice to make sure they match.
You could, of course, stop recording, close the script pop-up, close the recording tool, return to PowerPoint, update the notes, start the recording process again, and so on, but that would be quite time-consuming.
Instead, you can just edit the script right in the pop-up box, and have Presenter update the PowerPoint notes for you. Here's how:
First, ensure you have displayed the Script pop-up from the Record dialog box by clicking the Show Script button.
Then edit the script as needed.
Next, at the lower right, click the Update button.
