A project can easily contain thousands of topics. When you generate a layout, all of the topics are generated. But what if you want to exclude several topics from being generated? Using Conditional Build tags, you can mark topics or topic content. When the time comes to generate, you can choose to create conditions that control which tagged content is generated. Using conditions, you can maintain one large project but generate multiple layouts; each layout can have unique content. Content that is excluded from a layout is not seen by your users.
Tagged content appears in RoboHelp 11 and earlier as text with diagonal lines (first image below). In RoboHelp 2015 tagged content appears with an overline. The overline makes it much easier to read the content and see which content is tagged.
The downside of tagged content in RoboHelp 11 and earlier is that you can only create Conditional Build Expressions that show which tags are excluded. A Conditional Build Expression is a list of tags to exclude from your output. These expressions can get confusing because it is not always clear which tags to exclude for which situation. For example, a company has two divisions: East and West coast. Based on the name of the tag below, will the tag exclude content from the East coast or the West coast?
With RoboHelp 2015 you use common sense names to easily distinguish which Conditional Build Expression you need in which situation.
To create a Named Conditional Build Expression, choose Project > Pods > Conditional Build Tag and then click Create a new build expression.
The Define Conditional Build Expression dialog opens. Double-click a tag to exclude the tag from the output and then click Save.
Name the expression and click OK.
If you have existing Conditional Build Expressions, you can easily change their names. Open the Conditional Build Tags pod (choose Project > Pods > Conditional Build Tag).
Click Create a new build expression.
From the Define Conditional Build Expression dialog box, select an expression from the Expressions drop-down menu.
Click Rename this expression.
Name the expression and then click OK.
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I've applied a conditional build tag (Not_for_web) to some content in a topic and also to a TOC entry in a project. I see the overline that indicates the tagged content. I defined a build tag expression (user_site) that excludes Not_for_web tagged items.
But when I generate output, the tagged content is included. Is there an output setting that says to use the tag?
Thanks for your help!
Posted by: Kate Jackson | December 31, 2015 at 05:33 PM